There is something in this little catalogue for everyone - including you! No matter where you are in your spiritual life, you can always take another step. That's the way God made us. Spiritual growth is not a one-time thing. It's something that happens on regular basis.
Take a few minutes to look over the different options that we've put together and find time to commit to something that will stretch you this season.
Take a few minutes to look over the different options that we've put together and find time to commit to something that will stretch you this season.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Go Beneath The Surface And Transform Your Life This course is Part 2 of the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Course . It is the follow-up course for those who have already completed Part 1, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, in person. Registration is limited to only those who have taken the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality course. Broken relationships, unresolved conflicts, inability to speak the truth, pretending things are fine because we’re concerned about being nice. Week after week we hear sermons about loving better, but little changes in people’s lives. We spend time and money to learn and become competent in our careers, but few of us have learned the skills or gained the competency to love well. The Emotionally Healthy Relationships Course will train you in eight skills for building healthy relationships in our personal lives, family life, community life and our church, where our love for one another is so distinct that the world will know Jesus is truly alive today. When: 8 weeks on Thursday evenings from 7-9pm beginning February 20th Where: Temple Baptist Church (Chapel) Cost: Three books will be given out prior to the course. Donations towards these books is appreciated. |
The Emotionally Healthy Woman
Do you have:
It is important to identify and quit behaviours that, while sociallyacceptable in the church, are lethal to your soul. These habits do notbelong in Christ’s kingdom. Choosing to do something different is notjust a one-time decision — it is a lifestyle change that requires the graceand courage to quit certain unconscious ways of living. Come to theEmotionally Woman Course and rediscover biblical truths that havebeen misconstrued or neglected. Experience the liberating process ofreceiving God’s love more profoundly and becoming that love for others. When: 10:00am beginning on February 26 (8 weeks) Where: Temple Baptist Church (Prayer Room) Cost: One book is needed for the course ($15) |
The Good and Beautiful You (Men’s Study)
The Christian faith is not only about belief and practices, it is also about the kind of people that we become. Yet, some of the biggest barriers to our transformation come from our toxic self-narratives. These narratives shape the way we see ourselves and the way we interact in the world. God designed us with a deep longing in our souls to be wanted, loved, alive, and connected to God. Healing our souls requires more than knowing what God thinks about us. In The Good and Beautiful You , you'll: (1) find how Scripture reveals the beauty and goodness of our own souls and, (2) learn spiritual practices that help us develop into the people God intends us to become. When: Tuesdays at 6:30pm beginning January 21 (12 weeks) Where: Temple Baptist Church (Boardroom) Cost: One book is needed ($30) |
The Good and Beautiful Life (Co-Ed Study)
It’s extremely rare to meet a person whose goal was to ruin hisor her life. We all want to be happy, and we want it all of the time. The problem is, we have bought into false notions of happiness and success. These self-centered decisions lead us further intothe vices that cause ruin: anger, lust, lying, worry, and judging.Eventually we find ourselves living a beautifully packaged life of self-destruction. Following the Sermon on the Mount, this follow-up to The Good and Beautiful God guides us to look behind these character flaws and to replace our false beliefs with Jesus' narratives about life in the kingdom of God. Learn who God is, what it means to be a Christian, how to live in community, and how to address toxic self-narratives that hinder spiritual growth. When: Tuesdays at 6:30pm beginning January 14 (12 weeks) Where: Temple Baptist Church (Prayer Room) Cost: One book is needed for the course ($25) |
The Good and Beautiful Life (Women’s Study)
It’s extremely rare to meet a person whose goal was to ruin hisor her life. We all want to be happy, and we want it all of the time. The problem is, we have bought into false notions of happiness and success. These self-centered decisions lead us further intothe vices that cause ruin: anger, lust, lying, worry, and judging.Eventually we find ourselves living a beautifully packaged lifeof self-destruction. Following the Sermon on the Mount, this follow-up to The Good and Beautiful God guides us to look behind these character flaws and to replace our false beliefs with Jesus' narratives about life in the kingdom of God. Learn who God is,what it means to be a Christian, how to live in community, andhow to address toxic self-narratives that hinder spiritual growth. When: Mondays at 6:30pm beginning January 27 (12 weeks) Where: Temple Baptist Church (Board Room) Cost: One book is needed for the course ($25) |
Baptism at Temple
At Temple, we believe in helping people grow spiritually.Baptism is an important part of the journey of a Christ-follower. If you are considering baptism or have questions about baptism, then join us for our next Baptism class. The class is a great place to find out what baptism means, why we should be baptized, and the difference between infant baptism and adult baptism. The class is open not only to adults but also to any children who are considering baptism. When: This class is offered at 9am on the last Sunday of January (Jan. 26), February (Feb. 23), and March (Mar. 30) and April (Apr. 27). Attendance is required on only one of these Sundays. Where: Temple Baptist Church (Boardroom) Cost: No cost |
Membership at Temple
At Temple, our purpose is expressed through three big statements. We are a church that wants people to:
We do this by creating spaces where people are inspired and equipped to become more like Jesus and live out their lives as his apprentices (disciples). Becoming a member at Temple Baptist Church involves more than simply putting your name on a list. We want you to move beyond participation and into partnership with us. This one morning information session will provide you with an overview of who we are as a church, what we believe and ways you can get involved. When: Saturday, January 18 from 9:00-11:30am Where: Temple Baptist Church (Prayer Room) Cost: None |
Newcomer’s Luncheon
Welcome to Temple! If you are new to the church, we want to get to know you better. Our Newcomer’s Luncheon is designed to introduce you to key people and ministries at the church and help find out how to take a next step in your involvement! Throughout the year we invite everyone who is new to Temple to meet one another and our church leaders around a great and relaxing meal. The luncheons take place after our morning worship experience in the chapel which is off the main lobby. When: After the morning service on Sunday, February 23 Where: Temple Baptist Church (Chapel) Cost: No cost |
Financial Peace Primer
Is your household in a financial mess? Are you tired of being tired? If so, you're not alone. Studies show that seven out of ten families live paycheque to paycheque. Financial stress is also a leading reason couples give for conflict in their relationship. Is now the time to stop doing what you keep doing, to realign your family financial compass, break your poor money habits, and start on the road to financial peace? If so, join us for this 9-week Financial Peace DVD course. You will learn scriptural principles and practical ways for managing money including such topics as: saving for emergencies, creating a living budget, paying off debt, spending wisely and investing in the future. Please note: For couples to attend this class, you MUST BOTH COMMIT to attending all classes. You will NOT be successful if only one person attends. When: Tuesdays, beginning March 18 (runs for 8 weeks) from 6:30-8:00pm. Where: Temple Baptist Church (Spruce Room) Cost: $40/couple (10 couples max.) |
JOY Ministry (Senior’s at Temple)
JOY Ministry is our Senior’s ministry at Temple. JOY stands for“Just Older Youth.” Monthly the group gathers at the church at 10:30am to enjoy singing, listening to a guest speaker and sharing a fantastic lunch together. Pre-registration is required. To register, you can visit the JOY table in the lobby on Sundays or call the office (519) 542-1427. When: January 17, February 21, March 21 and April 11 at10:30am Where: Temple Baptist Church (Gym) Cost: $8 (includes a delicious meal) |
Coffee Hour (Women’s Ministry)
Great news! Our Monday morning Coffee Hour is about to begin again! This is an invitation to all women to join us in the Chapel on Monday mornings at 10:00 a.m., starting on January 13th. Please come and bring your friends! This is a time to draw closer to Jesus, have some fun with friends and make some new ones! See you there! When: Weekly on Mondays, beginning January 13 at 10:00am Where: Temple Baptist Church (Chapel) Cost: None |
How to Be a Difference Maker
Being Present in the Lives of Others Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus sharing the Good News of God’s Kingdom by being present in the lives of others. Relational evangelism lets us do the same thing by caring for others as we share Jesus. Join us on January 11th for an afternoon of relational evangelism training with FEB National Chaplaincy Coordinator, Larry Freeman. This training will help us develop a chaplain’s heart towards the lost and hurting around us. You will learn a relational approach to evangelism in a way that impacts the culture, honours our calling, and develops a heart of chaplaincy. We hope you can join for this time of equipping that will bless all who seek to help people find and follower Jesus. When: January 11 from 2:30-4:30pm Where: Temple Baptist Church (Chapel) Cost: None |
Restored (Men’s Study)
re.stored (ri-'stor-d); to bring back to or put back into a former or original state. Whether you are just learning about Jesus or have been a Christian for years, this study will awaken you to your true identity, showing you how to step free from you past and walk into life restored - the way God intended. This book starts at the beginning with Creation, the Fall, the Gospel and moves into how to have a deep abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. When: Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm, from January 23 (9 weeks) Where: Temple Baptist Church (Willow Room) Cost: A workbook will be provided for the group |
Men's Conference (in Port Huron, MI)
Hope FM’s Get in the Game conference in Port Huron is an excellent opportunity to socialize, have fun, and build lasting relationships with other Christian men. Here are the key details:
For more information, go to When: Saturday, February 25 from 8:30-4:30pm Where: Colonial Woods Church in Port Huron Cost: $40 CAN |
RENOVATE: Men’s Breakfast
RENOVATE is our men’s ministry at Temple. Several times a year we gather men together for breakfast to inspire and challenge one another. Our times together include a delicious and hearty breakfast, some table talk, and a feature speaker. The breakfast is a great way to connect with other men and stay focused on the things that really matter in your life. Bring a healthy appetite and an open heart. When: March 22 and May 3 at 9:00am Where: Temple Baptist Church (Chapel) Cost: $5/person |
Temple's Play Cafe
Are you a mom looking to connect with other moms at Temple? Do you have a little one or two (or a few), aged 0-4, at home with you on Friday morning? Join Dureen Norris, Jenna Surette and her little one, Lilah, for an hour of coffee and play! At Temple's Play Cafe, mothers and their young children are invited to join in fellowship with one another. Coffee, tea, water, and a light snack will be provided as well as some age appropriate toys and activities. You know what they say, “Life is better when we do it together,” so let's come together to connect, grow, worship, and celebrate the gifts and blessings of motherhood. Temple's Play Cafe runs the fourth Friday of the month from February until May. We ask that you please register ahead of time as space is limited to 10 families at this time. When: 10:00-11:00am on the fourth Friday of the month. (February 28, March 28, April 25 and May 23) Where: The Fellowship Hall (beside the gym) Cost: None |